
Electrolyte for Electric Double Layer Capacitor (EDLC)

Next Generation Electrolyte

Otsuka Chemical offers a next-generation high performance and high purity electrolyte for use in capacitors. The solution is based on our pharmaceutical production technology and nitrogen chemistry expertise in hydrazine production. Otsuka Chemical will support the technological advancement of electric double layer capacitors (EDLC) through precise quality control and analysis using in-house evaluation facilities.


Contributes to enhancing the performance of EDLCs.

It uses highly soluble electrolytes and helps extend product lifespans through thorough quality control.
It can be provided in combination with many different solvents.


Image of EDLC

  • Using highly soluble electrolytes
  • Useable within a broad temperature range
  • Thorough quality control with precise analysis

General Properties

Appearance Colorless to thin-yellow solution
Concentration of electrolyte mol/L 1.5
Conductivity (25°C) mS/cm 15~16
Water ppm ≤30
Heavy metals ppm ≤1.0

Properties of EDLC using of Q-CHARGE SAE1000

Initial Capacitance and Resistance of Q-CHARGE SAE1000 EDLC
Initial Capacitance and Resistance of Q-CHARGE SAE1000 EDLC

Temperature Characteristics of Capacitance & Resistance
Temperature Characteristics of Capacitance & Resistance


  • EDLC

For inquiries
to Otsuka Chemical Co., Ltd.